Tips To Help You Navigate A Contested Divorce

When people get a divorce, they can either go with the option of a contested divorce or an uncontested divorce. An uncontested divorce is where parties agree on all the divorce-related issues. On the other hand, a contested divorce is where parties cannot agree on all or some of the divorce-related issues. A contested divorce is usually lengthy and more expensive than a contested divorce because of the involvement of the court.
It is hard for many people to have an uncontested divorce. If you are one of the people facing a contested divorce, you may be worried or stressed about navigating the legal process. At The Lasky Law Firm, we understand how challenging a contested divorce can be. In this article, we share some tips we hope will help you navigate your contested divorce.
Tip #1: Hire a Skilled Divorce Lawyer
First and foremost, it is crucial that you avoid handling a contested divorce alone. Divorce litigation is complicated. A lot is at stake, and you may not know how to protect your rights or negotiate. An experienced divorce lawyer can help ensure your rights are protected. He or she can help you negotiate a fair divorce settlement. An experienced divorce attorney can ensure you don’t make any mistakes that could cause serious damage to your case. The sooner you retain a top-rated divorce attorney, the better.
Tip #2: Prepare Yourself
Proper organization is one of the keys to successfully navigating a contested divorce. Ensure that all relevant documents and evidence are organized. When you prepare adequately, you can respond quickly and effectively when something happens during your trial.
Tip #3: Understand Your Goals
You should know what you want to achieve before going into the divorce process. For example, what do you want to achieve in terms of alimony? What do you want to achieve in terms of the division of marital property? If you go into the divorce process without a proper understanding of your goals, you will end up fighting your spouse for the sake of fighting. This is not a wise approach. Fighting for the sake of fighting will only make things more complicated.
Tip #4: Be Honest With Your Attorney
You should be honest with your attorney about what you want to accomplish. Your attorney can advise you on how you can achieve your goals in court.
Tip #5: Keep a Clear and Rational Perspective
Divorcing couples who go to trial are usually locked in a heated dispute. It is vital that you keep a clear and rational perspective throughout the divorce process. If you let your emotions control you, you will lose sight of the big picture and may not achieve your goals.
Tip #6: Seek Support
It may be a good idea to seek support from supportive people like friends or family members. Friends or family members who’ve gone through contested divorces can offer valuable advice on navigating the legal process. Family or friends can lend a listening ear when you need to talk about things. This can be therapeutic.
Contact a Jacksonville Divorce Lawyer
If you are facing a contested divorce, our qualified Jacksonville divorce lawyers at The Lasky Law Firm can help. Contact us to schedule a consultation.